Jinan Business Registration introduce registration of enterprises in China, the last three years through independent research, the transferee, the recipient, mergers and acquisitions, etc., or, with independent intellectual property
rights of the core technology of its main product by more than 5 years exclusive licensing.
2、济南工商注册谈到产品(服务)属于《国家重点支持的高新技术领域》规定的范围(八大领域); 具有大学专科以上学历的科技人员占企业当年职工总数的30%以上,其中研发人员占企业当年职工总数的10%以上。
Jinan Business Registration talked products (services) are "high-tech fields supported by the state," the specified range (eight areas); scientific and technical personnel have college education accounted for more than 30% of the company that year the total number of employees, including R & D accounted companies when the total number of employees more than 10 percent.
Jinan commercial registration introduced enterprises to obtain new scientific knowledge and technology, creative application of new scientific knowledge and technology, or substantial improvement of technology, products (services) and ongoing research and development activities, and the near-total research and development expenses accounted for sales of the three fiscal years the proportion of total income meets the following requirements: ① recent sales of less than 50 million yuan a year business, no less than 6%; ② sales in the last year from 50 million to 200 million yuan of business, no less than four %; ③ sales revenue in the past year, more than 200 million yuan of business, no less than 3%.
4、济南工商注册http://www.jnyszc.com/介绍高新技术产品(服务)收入占企业当年总收入的60%以上;企业研究开发组织管理水平、科技成果转化能力、自主知识产权数量、销售与总资产成长性等指标符合《工作指引》要求。 高新企业的优惠暂按15%的税率征收企业所得税。如果既属于小微企业又属于高新技术企业,看那个正常更优惠可以自行选择。
Jinan commercial registration introduced high-tech products (services) revenues accounted for more than 60% of the company's total revenue that year; corporate research and development organization and management, scientific and
technological achievements into the capability, the number of independent intellectual property rights, sales and total assets growth and other indicators in line with "the Guidelines "Claim. Zanan tech enterprises preferential tax rate of 15% corporate income tax. If both are small and micro enterprises also belong to the high-tech enterprises, look at that more concessions can choose normal.
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