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发表日期: 2015-5-18 19:45:21      浏览:1893次

Jinan agent company comes to the application materials submitted by the applicant, authenticity, integrity, compliance audit, the main organ of the audit data, the audit focused on whether the information submitted is complete, true and correspond with each other, articulation is correct; the actual tax refund amount of storage, whether the tax refund years; applicable policies, tax base, tax ratio, tax limitations are accurate; preliminary review by department, review comments refund amount decrease compliance policy, the amount of computing accuracy; refund amount calculated is appropriate, the results are accurate and so on. Taxpayers should be noted that the focus of the Commissioner's Office review whether the applicant has to enjoy "refunded" preferential qualification, application materials requirements are complete, missing information should be promptly filled.

Jinan agent company analysis of the paid tax audit auditing major taxes are correct level of the budget is correct, whether the tax declaration is consistent with the annual-owned, tax and declare whether the correspondence, seal is

complete (especially treasury receivables seal); review of the taxes due, the focus is to examine the "value-added tax audit report" annual tax declaration of VAT into, output tax and the proceeds transferred is true, for example,taxpayers in tax inspectors are checking out the roll-out of input tax did not make turn out process, it may affect the tax; audits of accounting data, mainly authenticity and calculate tax on indicators, correspondence between the various data, the applicant whether to regulate accounting accounting VAT compliance is true, whether the accounting data provide evidence of the existence of fraud and the like.





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