Jinan Business Registration analysis of long-term capital structure refers to the percentage of capital in the work of business types. Broadly speaking, there are two forms of capital: equity capital and debt capital. Equity capital refers to the capital, and by shareholders' equity. Typically, two types of equity capital: investment, which is the initial investment in the business, in exchange for shares of stock or ownership of money and retained earnings,equivalent to the profits the past few years have been recorded by the company and used to strengthen the balance sheet or fund growth, acquisitions or expansion.
Jinan commercial registration introduced many people believe equity capital is the most expensive type of company can take advantage of, because it "cost" is the enterprise must earn attractive ROI. Other forms of capital in fact there are other forms of capital, such as vendor financing, in which a company can sell goods before they have to pay their bills to suppliers, can greatly improve the return on equity, but does not cost the company anything.
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