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发表日期: 2014-12-30 14:39:46      浏览:1933次

Jinan agent company comes to normal borrower to fulfill the contract, has been able to normal debt service, any negative factors affecting full and timely repayment of the loan principal and interest does not exist, the bank borrowers to repay the loan principal and interest in full and on time and fully grasp.

Company Jinan agency concerned borrowers currently have the ability to repay the loan principal and interest, but there are some factors that may adversely affect the repayment, as these factors continue, the borrower's repayment capacity is affected, the probability of loan losses will not exceed 5% .

Jinan agent Company subprime borrower's repayment ability has obvious problems, rely entirely on normal business revenues to repay the loan principal and interest, you need to dispose of assets or through external financing and the implementation of collateral to repay interest. The probability of loan losses in the 30% -50%.

Jinan agent Company suspicious loan if the borrower can not repay the loan principal and interest, even if the implementation of collateral or guarantees, part of the loss will be incurred only because of the presence of the borrower reorganization, merger, consolidation, mortgage processing and wait for pending litigation fixed factor how much amount of loss can not be determined, the probability of loan losses between 50% -75%.

Jinan agent company loan loss means the borrower is no longer possible to repay the principal and interest, regardless of what measures and what procedures to perform, the loan is doomed to lose, or it is able to recover a small portion, but its value is minimal, from the perspective of the bank's look there is no need then its meaning and retained as bank assets in the accounts, for such loans after fulfilling the necessary legal procedures should be canceled immediately, the probability of loan losses in the 75% -100%.




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