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发表日期: 2014-11-21 17:23:34      浏览:1522次

As a general trading company taxpayer is required to pay value-added tax, general tax rate of 17 percent, while for-profit income to pay corporate income tax rate is 25%. Therefore, companies registered in the country's foreign trade is a rather heavy burden of things, the experts below Jinan registered company to tell you about the specific method to do foreign trade through offshore companies.
Jinan registered company analysis that in other countries, many countries and regions in order to develop the local economy, have access to very liberal liberal economic system, whether companies or individuals can easily simply registered companies. Different regions have different characteristics, but have one thing in common: low tax costs, the non-local operators do not need to pay taxes, investor information highly confidential. Hong Kong, close to the Chinese mainland, easy to deal with related matters, easy-verbal communication, visibility is high. Not local business without paying taxes, company name freedom of choice, business scope and less restrictions.
As many investors know, know, inland heavy taxation, reasonable tax avoidance through the registration of offshore companies is a good way to do foreign trade development, first mainland suppliers of goods sold offshore companies. In the domestic customs procedures remain unchanged, but the seller of data to fill factories, buyer information write to the offshore company. Then an endorsement of offshore companies do, namely to change the bill of lading, endorsement into overseas customers, that offshore companies for overseas buyers to do a set of documents, including

contracts, invoices and invoices, etc., in the name of the offshore company goods sold to users. Finally, the money remitted to overseas guests offshore company accounts, offshore companies will purchase cost calls to vendors, suppliers, verification, tax profits in offshore company accounts, but since this is not part of the profits in the offshore company local produce, so do not pay taxes.



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