Accumulated depreciation of fixed assets and general ledger balance is the sum of all current original cards, and since the beginning of entry work is not completed, resulting in fixed assets module in the original card no entry is completed, then the reconciliation Reconciliation appears uneven, which is "settings "-" Options "setting allows the reconciliation of the fixed assets can end injustice checkout reasons.
Fixed Assets module related operations without generating the corresponding credentials are passed to the general ledger; or fixed asset ledger accounts have a corresponding certificate, while in fixed assets did not operate.
Fixed Assets module generates credentials have not accounted for in the general ledger system.
Is not equal to the general ledger module inside the craft fill in fixed assets and accumulated depreciation categories categories credentials value of fixed assets module card with the cost and accumulated depreciation values??.
Reconciliation of fixed assets and general ledger functions, the default is the account balance after the certificate corresponding reconciliation of accounting operations, such as fixed assets to determine all operations are carried out single-system operation passed to the general ledger reconciliation is still uneven, you can check whether month certificate bookkeeping operation is not performed.
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