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发表日期: 2015-5-13 19:03:12      浏览:1934次

Jinan agent business license comes to the size of the general size of the unit, the degree of sophistication economic business and financial revenue and expenditure, management of requirements is a major factor in determining whether the unit is equipped with a full-time accounting staff. Units of large-scale, multi-business economy, finance large balance of payments, in the management demanding units, general accounting bodies should be set individually and with full-time accounting staff for the timely and organize various economic activities and financial revenue and expenditure business accounting, accounting supervision and effective to ensure the quality of accounting work efficiency and accounting information.   
Jinan agent business license remind bookkeeping requester should and must be small economic organizations and individual businesses should prepare accounts, as to what is a small economic organization, our country and there is no clear criteria, generally based on registered capital, sales, total assets, employees and make a comprehensive judgment, but should prepare accounts of individual businesses, it is engaged in the production and operation and have a fixed production establishments and there is no obligation to prepare accounts exempt individual businesses. It needs to be clearly pointed out that if a unit set up full-time accounting staff, should be determined by their own units, but it is a mandatory requirement to establish accounts, whether the right of final approval to establish accounts owned by administrative authorities.



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