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发表日期: 2015-2-20 14:30:11      浏览:1799次

Ji'nan registered company introduces the labor contract by the employer and the worker of consensus, and by the employer and the employee on the text of the labor contract is signed or sealed by the entry into force. The unit and the laborer shall each hold one copy of the text of the labor contract. The labor contract is effective, legally binding. Unless the parties to the labor contract in force has a special agreement, such as fixed shall be notarized or authentication before the entry into force of the labor contract, the effect of time began in the attestation, notarization formalities completed date.
Ji'nan registered company about invalid labor contract refers to a labor contract has been set up, but due to violation of the mandatory provisions of law, administrative regulations and be recognized as invalid labor contract.
Ji'nan registered company mentioned invalid labor contract, shall have no legal binding force from the time they are concluded. The labor contract is invalid in part, does not affect the validity of the other parts, the other parts remain valid. A labor contract is confirmed as invalid, the worker has worked for the employer, the employer shall pay labor remuneration to the laborer. The amount of labor remuneration shall be determined with reference to the labor remuneration, the same or similar position of this unit worker.




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